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Registration tax of new-registered

passenger cars in Finland

The registration tax percentage is a share of total price including all taxes, also the registration tax. Tax is calculated by using a taxation value. The taxation value is the general retail price including VAT based on the list price of cars minus ordinary discount.

Price formation of a new passenger car from 1.10.2021

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Voit muokata taulukkoa ja tietojen esitysjärjestystä valitsemasi lajittelukriteerin mukaan. Sarakeotsikkoa klikkaamalla taulukon rivit asettuvat joko aakkosjärjestykseen tai kyseisen sarakkeen lukujen väliseen suuruusjärjestykseen. Takaisin taulukon alkuperäiseen muotoon pääset ”Palauta” –painikkeella.
CO2 emissions (g/km) 0 50 103 *) 120 145 160 200
Share of taxes 19,36 % 22,31 % 24,73 % 26,56 % 31,01 % 34,64 % 42,19 %
Taxation value 5) 23 375 24 324 25 161 25 829 27 597 29 219 33 250
Price with taxes 25 000 25 949 26 786 27 454 29 222 30 844 34 875
Consumer price without car tax 2) 25000 25000 25 000 25 000 25 000 25 000 25 000
Registration tax 1) 0,00 % 3,90 % 7,10 % 9,50 % 15,30 % 20,00 % 29,70 %
VAT 3) 4 839 4 839 4 839 4 839 4 839 4 839 4 839
Registration tax 4) 0 949 1 786 2 454 4 222 5 844 9 875
2022-02-12 16:30

Carbon dioxide emissions above represent WLTP measurement values introduced in September 2018. Registration tax in Finland was adjusted to WLTP values in September 2018 at the same time as the new measurement procedure was implemented. The tax table for WLTP values was updated in December 2018 to ensure an tax neutral transfer into WLTP measurement procedure.

NEDC approved end-of-series cars are taxed with the previous registration tax levels.

1) Registration tax % is based on carbon dioxide emission (g/km) according to the attachment table 1 of the registration tax law. Tax % minimum is 0% and maximum 50.0%

2) Consumer price without registration tax includes import price of car and accessories, VAT, and wholesale and retail sales margins

3) VAT is 24% of the price without taxes, VAT is included in the retail price

4) Registration tax is calculated from the taxation value

5) Taxation value is the price including the registration tax minus common discount