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Historic fall in traffic volumes as a result of the covid pandemics

In 2020, the number of vehicle kilometres driven by passenger cars on the domestic road and street network was around 39,100 million, or around 4% less than one year earlier. In 2021 and 2022, traffic volumes fell further as the interest rate pandemic reduced demand for passenger transport. Teleworking and various remote services have reduced the need to travel. In 2021 and 2022, transport volumes decreased by 0.8% and 1.0% respectively compared to the previous year. In 2022, demand for passenger transport was also reduced by the slowdown in economic growth and the rapid increase in fuel prices.

The total number of bus and coach journeys in 2022 was 522 million kilometres - still significantly lower than before the interest rate pandemic. In 2020, bus and coach performance fell by around 13% year-on-year due to the interest rate situation, and in 2021 it fell by around 12%. In 2022, bus and coach traffic returned to roughly the same level as in 2020.

In road freight transport, the decrease in traffic volumes is slightly less pronounced. Van traffic in 2020 was about 1% lower than in the previous year. Van traffic increased by around 1.9% in 2021 and decreased by around 3.1% in 2022.

In 2022, lorry traffic was around 3,190 million vehicle-kilometres, 1.0% lower than in 2021. Lorry traffic also fell by around 2.4% in 2020 as a result of the interest rate pandemic, but increased in 2021 as the economy recovered. The decrease in 2022 is due to a slowdown in economic growth and a turn into recession, as well as a rapid increase in the price of diesel fuel.

Transport mileage by vehicle type (million km per year)

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Voit muokata taulukkoa ja tietojen esitysjärjestystä valitsemasi lajittelukriteerin mukaan. Sarakeotsikkoa klikkaamalla taulukon rivit asettuvat joko aakkosjärjestykseen tai kyseisen sarakkeen lukujen väliseen suuruusjärjestykseen. Takaisin taulukon alkuperäiseen muotoon pääset ”Palauta” –painikkeella.
Total mileage Passenger cars Vans Trucks Buses
2021 48 305 38 771 5 777 3 296 461
2019 50 387 40 718 5 726 3 342 601
2018 50 436 40 718 5 693 3 411 614
2020 48 543 39 092 5 667 3 261 523
2017 50 225 40 614 5 611 3 370 630
2023 47 755 38 592 5 611 2 993 559
2022 47 695 38 385 5 598 3 190 522
2016 *) 50 361 40 719 5 514 3 493 635
2015 55 145 47 355 3 925 3 285 580
2014 54 580 46 800 3 905 3 295 580
2011 54 460 46 780 3 895 3 205 580
2013 54 170 46 510 3 890 3 190 580
2012 54 235 46 620 3 880 3 155 580
2010 53 815 46 245 3 870 3 120 580
2009 53 350 45 950 3 855 2 965 580
2007 53 250 45 560 3 840 3 270 580
2008 52 980 45 285 3 825 3 290 580
2006 52 150 44 610 3 790 3 170 580
2005 51 675 44 220 3 760 3 115 580
2004 50 890 43 530 3 715 3 060 585
2003 49 790 42 565 3 665 2 970 590
2002 48 750 41 675 3 620 2 860 595
2001 47 650 40 680 3 585 2 790 595
2000 46 710 39 815 3 530 2 775 590
1999 46 010 39 190 3 460 2 770 590
1998 44 800 38 080 3 360 2 760 540
1997 43 530 36 790 3 230 2 890 620
1996 42 520 36 000 3 170 2 730 620
1992 42 350 36 050 3 160 2 500 640
1993 41 830 35 500 3 160 2 530 640
1995 42 170 35 760 3 150 2 640 620
1994 41 750 35 400 3 120 2 580 630
1990 39 750 33 430 2 860 2 780 680
1991 39 170 33 130 2 860 2 530 650
1989 38 710 32 680 2 680 2 680 670
1988 36 510 30 730 2 520 2 590 670
1987 34 250 28 640 2 400 2 540 670
1986 32 350 26 840 2 260 2 580 670
1985 31 150 25 970 2 050 2 460 670
1984 29 940 24 940 1 930 2 400 670
1983 29 080 24 170 1 850 2 390 670
1982 28 200 23 410 1 730 2 400 660
1981 27 270 22 600 1 620 2 400 650
1980 26 760 22 180 1 550 2 390 640
2024-05-01 15:50
Statistics Finland