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Number of employees in the automotive sector

In Finland, the car trade, repair and inspection operations directly employ about 30,000 people. Tasks in the field include a wide range of technically and commercially focused tasks as well as tasks related to public authorities and the public sector.

When the entire automotive sector, which includes the manufacture of vehicles and the sales of car parts and accessories, is included, the figure rises to over 50,000 people.

Employment of automotive cluster in Finland

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Voit muokata taulukkoa ja tietojen esitysjärjestystä valitsemasi lajittelukriteerin mukaan. Sarakeotsikkoa klikkaamalla taulukon rivit asettuvat joko aakkosjärjestykseen tai kyseisen sarakkeen lukujen väliseen suuruusjärjestykseen. Takaisin taulukon alkuperäiseen muotoon pääset ”Palauta” –painikkeella.
Wholesale and retail sales of cars Repair and maintenance of cars Manufacturing of motor vehicles and their parts Wholesale and retail of car parts Leasing and rental of cars Vehicle inspection Altogether
2018 13 531 15 220 9 315 8 628 1 381 1 528 47 920
2021 13 425 14 616 8 623 8 699 1 190 1 367 47 920
2020 13 696 15 542 8 765 8 820 1 272 1 391 49 486
2019 14 118 15 017 9 551 8 766 1 398 1 466 50 316
2023-04-21 08:00
Statistics Finland