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Number of gas vehicles in traffic use

At the beginning of 2025, there were about 17,000 gas driven passenger cars, about 1,200 vans, about 800 trucks and about 70 buses in circulation.

The increase in the number of gas vehicles has been particularly marked in the truck fleet, where compressed biomethane is used in short-haul distribution transport and liquified biomethane in long-haul heavy-duty vehicle combinations.

The growth in the number of gas driven passenger cars and vas has slowed down in recent years as production of new gas driven passenger cars and light duty vehicles is coming to an end in the next few years. The change is driven by EU-wide carbon dioxide limit values regulation that binds passenger car and light-duty vehicle manufacturers and does not take into account the whole life cycle emissions of the fuel. The carbon dioxide emission reduction effect of biomethane use is therefore not reflected in the calculation.

Methane driven vehicles in traffic use

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Voit muokata taulukkoa ja tietojen esitysjärjestystä valitsemasi lajittelukriteerin mukaan. Sarakeotsikkoa klikkaamalla taulukon rivit asettuvat joko aakkosjärjestykseen tai kyseisen sarakkeen lukujen väliseen suuruusjärjestykseen. Takaisin taulukon alkuperäiseen muotoon pääset ”Palauta” –painikkeella.
Year passenger cars vans trucks buses
2014 1 249 169 73 54
2015 1 499 198 79 43
2016 1 820 245 81 40
2017 3 152 362 99 44
2018 5 599 521 131 47
2019 9 377 740 177 54
2020 12 356 923 295 61
2021 14 378 1 029 393 53
2022 15 607 1 116 488 64
2023 16 387 1 184 553 71
2024 16 639 1 227 785 67
2/2025 16 606 1 216 815 71
2025-03-03 12:50
Statistics Finland, Netwheels Mittaristo and Traficom
Vehicles converted to methane use are not included in statistics.